Welcome to the first official B2B Broadcast Team Blog!

This blog was created to give us an opportunity to use one of the major "new media" tools that we'll be highlighting during the broadcast.

The main purpose of the blog will be to offer a complementary vehicle for communication in our collaborative efforts to make the "From Brochure to Blog" Broadcast an undeniable success!

Friday, November 9, 2007


Does anyone know how to post an image on this blog -- e.g., a jpg? --Everly


Lars said...

The site may not allow posting anything other than text. Even if a site allows it, there can be size restrictions.

Are you already feeling the need to add visuals?

Everly Macario said...

Not critical -- just an idea for now.

Everly Macario said...
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Eednacot said...

I think we can only post texts and links. I think only pictures and videos can be added to the website frame.

Natalie said...

What about posting the image to an outside photo site. Kerdlyn suggested Image Shack. We can link to the image from the blog.

Eednacot said...

Yup, Kerdlyn just showed me how to post pictures to posts. Just upload your pix onto: http://load.imageshack.us/

Click on "host it." Then, cut and past the link corresponding from "thumbnail for website" into you post. And BAM, the picture will show up in the post.