Welcome to the first official B2B Broadcast Team Blog!

This blog was created to give us an opportunity to use one of the major "new media" tools that we'll be highlighting during the broadcast.

The main purpose of the blog will be to offer a complementary vehicle for communication in our collaborative efforts to make the "From Brochure to Blog" Broadcast an undeniable success!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Creative Branding and Look

Let's start brainstorming on the look of our broadcast promotional material. Looking at a brochure from last year, I saw that they used a classroom and chalkboard for the Pan Flu Preparedness in Schools broadcast. What can we do for our broadcast? The first thing that comes to mind are computers, the world wide web, Earth with people holding hands to show we're all connected. How about if we show man's evolution, with a person holding a laptop and wearing a bluetooth headset? :)


John Reichel said...

I like it, except that the Darwinian sequence of ape - neanderthal - cro magnon - modern man has been used so much, at least shown the side-by-side, chronological way. If it's changed in some way it might be more appealing -- like having a caveman and an old fashioned looking human standing slightly behind the modern guy with the headset.

I keep thinking the title should be "From Brochure to Blog -- and Beyond!" because that would help keep it from sounding dated. Some people are way beyond blogs already. Blogs are very cool but are hardly cutting edge -- just new to us here!

Eednacot said...

I am including the creative branding ideas mentioned on yesterday's call in order to generate more ideas:

1. Family with or inside cpu screen
2. Family in black in white (w/50's look)contrasted with Family in color (using ipods, laptop, iphone, bluetooth, etc)
3. Evolution of modern man or woman with laptop, blackberry, bluetooth
4. Person reading brochure contrasted with person on cpu
5. The World is Flat

John Reichel said...

Out of the 5 options, I like number 2 the best, with the old stuff in black and white. It doesn't even have to look as old as the 1950s -- looking 1980s would still be plenty old, considering how fast technology changes.