Welcome to the first official B2B Broadcast Team Blog!

This blog was created to give us an opportunity to use one of the major "new media" tools that we'll be highlighting during the broadcast.

The main purpose of the blog will be to offer a complementary vehicle for communication in our collaborative efforts to make the "From Brochure to Blog" Broadcast an undeniable success!

Friday, November 30, 2007

B2B Image Concepts

Photobucket Album


Nicole Flores said...

OK B2B team - I messed up the first time (maybe whoever created this page can delete my messed up post), but please take a look at the pictures that I uploaded to photobucket. Keep in mind that these are just some images that I found based on the direction that we discussed during Wed.'s meeting. These images can be manipulated, combined, recreated, etc to create a look that everyone likes. Let me know if any of these images start to capture the look of B2B. Thanks!

John Reichel said...

I think those are some excellent examples. I really like the one of the globe coming out of the monitor. Keyboard and globe motifs work well.

For some reason, the idea of the whole family gathering 'round the computer seems too retro to me. It suggests "computers are new" rather than "we use them all the time".

Nicole Flores said...

Since we all agree that this can be an overwhelming subject to many people, I think we should try to tie the image(s) as directly as possible into the course objectives. It seems the main purpose of the course is to teach the participants 2+ technologies that they can use to get information to the public (describe them, give real-life examples, and tell them how to use them in their everyday lives). Is it possible to narrow down the technologies that we are going to be focusing on? I think that will help us narrow down the images that we should be working with.

If we can’t narrow the focus of the technologies, then maybe the image that Bruce pointed out (the hand with the world/technology) would work well since it combines a human-feel with technology and the world – all aspects that we agreed on – but it doesn’t single out a specific type of technology (ie the computer). The image could represent the public health professional reaching out to the world through technology.

Remember, these are just ideas to get the ball rolling - we don't need to use one of these exactly as it is...let's just get an idea of the direction we would like to go in.

yvet said...

I think we should make a collage that integrates the old with the new. The hand with the globe works well - but it can't stand on its own, it needs more teeth. We need to humanize it and at the same time, look to the future.

Eednacot said...

Yes, the more human the better! As I think about the look, I'm imagining what would work as a cover for the DVD of this documentary. Here are a couple ideas:

1. One person (male or female adult) shaking hands with another person (could be an older adult or small child) THRU their laptops. Its kind of like that game, "battleship," but connecting thru their laptops. This brings in a human element, and shows technology as a bridge for communication and collaboration between 2 different populations.
I can see this on a DVD cover.

2. A real person and an avatar sitting next to each other on a couch watching t.v. together, sharing popcorn. I could see this on a dvd cover too.