Welcome to the first official B2B Broadcast Team Blog!

This blog was created to give us an opportunity to use one of the major "new media" tools that we'll be highlighting during the broadcast.

The main purpose of the blog will be to offer a complementary vehicle for communication in our collaborative efforts to make the "From Brochure to Blog" Broadcast an undeniable success!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Welcome to the B2B Broadcast Blog!

Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging. Some of you may be new to blogging and this is an opportunity to try it out for the first time. For all of you blogging veterans, this will give you a chance to gain some insight on how it can be useful in public health practice. In addition, we can learn about the time/resources involved in running or participating in a professional blog.

I would like the blog topics and discussion to be user generated. However, since we are just starting the process, I will be posting the first few topics. Feel free to post topics as you wish.

Happy Blogging!


suzib said...

Hey there, B2B, team. 30 weeks and counting, give or take. Looking forward to a productive and creative process!

Tammy said...

Hey all, I've been thinking about the "top 5" issues we want to convey in this broadcast. Here are some ideas I'll just throw out for you all: 1) Show how health care care consumers search for information. Include the importance of Google rankings, how "guidance" can help direct them in what is otherwise an overwhelming fee-for-all. 2) Showcase some interactive sites/technologies. One example Susan Kirby speaks highly of is CDC's VERB campaign for youngsters. 3)Emphasize the importance of blogs, online communties as a way consumers can hear from peers or validate their opinions when seeking information. Show some examples of how public health folks can participate in these new communication strategies.

Eednacot said...

I think these top 5 issues that we want to convey are closely related to the original objectives that we proposed. Everly sent out an email that reflected the same sentiment on the top 5 issues/objectives of the broadcast. We can discuss this on tomorrow's call. Great thoughts everyone!

Eednacot said...

I realized that I'm blogging/slash "working" from home, on my home computer...and enjoying every minute of it!

I had a conversation with Lars a couple weeks ago on how we, the public health professonal haves also changed. Its much more convenient these days to work out of the office (via crackberrys, cable modems at home, access to work outlook). Its so easy to check both our personal and professional emails when we're out of the office.

For the B2B, we can frame the practice and learning of new media beyond the office...it has fused our personal lifestyles with our professional ones. "Feel free to try these new tools that you learned at home!"

Everly Macario said...

I think it is important to emphasize that the new health care consumer is increasingly looking towards his/her peers versus an "expert" (horizontal rather than vertical/hierarchical approach to collecting health information). There must be some survey research to show the sources to which people now turn/trust for health information. It is fascinating that people like Jenny McCarthy have so much pull even when 100s of years of science disprove what she is communicating ( her "mommy voice" tells her that vaccines cause autism). --Everly