Welcome to the first official B2B Broadcast Team Blog!

This blog was created to give us an opportunity to use one of the major "new media" tools that we'll be highlighting during the broadcast.

The main purpose of the blog will be to offer a complementary vehicle for communication in our collaborative efforts to make the "From Brochure to Blog" Broadcast an undeniable success!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Possibilities for website scavenger hunt exercise

If Pan flu planning is enough of a hook, here something to check out:

On a tip from Howard, here’s a 4-part series on allocating scarce health resources:
The Most Difficult Health Care Decisions,” narrated by Ken Iserson, MD, University of Arizona. It seems to be geared towards health care providers in a hospital setting and is generic to all types of situations causing health care resource shortages--could be relevant to pandemic influenza planning. The speaker makes the information very accessible, breaks it down well, and uses lots of visuals. The segments are available for public viewing on YouTube.com. Each segment runs about 7-9 minutes.

Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EUiLDM-PoKo&feature=related

Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_sks2oMecE&feature=related

Part 3A: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PAtN31lqz7g&feature=related

Part 3B: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RamrF1HUXyw&feature=related


Eednacot said...

I love it.

John Reichel said...

Putting together the scavenger hunt was a lot of fun! I'm looking forward to hearing from the participants. Some of the items were easy but several were a little involved (good!).

And also we did a lot of people a favor by pushing them to get Flash installed, Real Player, etc.